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For "method of feng shui, water, the wind."Geomantic art source YuanLiu long and numerous factions, we today with scientific attitude of the superstition color and composition of metaphysics, the feng shui is actually an ancient environment and field study.Is relationship between human and natural science.Based on which the ancient fengshui theory system is the "nature and humanity", the pursuit of the harmony between human and nature harmonious.This philosophy long-term impact on people's ideology and way of life, has caused me - the national advocate natural fashion.

The wind should be soft

Residence before the choose and buy, had better to your first experience of a residential area, if the first feeling is soft poly gas, wind field and run, and then illustrate the place environment is benign, to fit you."The wind" is an important parameter of success for feng shui, the "gas wind scattered", suggest that the wind is too disease and complete the "gas" in the environmental field to the melted away.So when you visit as windy, acute and just, and complete, it will first consider give it up.Because no matter how prosperous gas can also be broken by the wind.Ideal wind regime should be the wind, blowing face is cold and got round the sentient beings.


We often say that beautiful, bright.Good daylighting is not only good physical health, but also can give a person from the psychological produce lively and comfortable feeling.Damp environment is unpleasant.If you choose to be a house near south has very tall buildings, it is bound to affect indoor daylighting, living in such an environment for a long time, will feel depressed, be agitated.Eventually led to the cause and the body go from bad to worse.

Appropriate flat terrain

Now in the residential area development does not generally exist the rough ground, terrain tilt is one of the more common.Serious terrain tilt from the standpoint of fengshui, contain the run-down and risk information.Precisely go downhill terrain can make your money like water pouring out, just like put a ball on the slope, natural have a downward trend, this is called a difficult to leave.Go up hill is not good, the ancients called "ding", is the damage to the population mean.So, bumpy, tilted serious place is unfavorable choose.

After my official before the temple is unfavorable

Government, the government, which is now near the partners, barracks, prisons and other places of unfavorable for houses.Because these places, the gas of the radiation field can be cold, this is against people's auras in fengshui is called "ShaQi", kill the valve and discharge of the ancients vividly called "white tigers" again.Illustrate the aura is very harmful to people, like a tiger in the side, time is hurts.Monasteries, temples, churches, Yin qi (Yi Yun: a Yin and Yang is called dao, divided into Yin qi and sun be the spirit of the ancients put the aura.Yin qi pointing down, depressed, stationary, condensation.Sun be the spirit of upward, positive, sports, most heated), and the negative energy and particularly big.According to the mathematical operation is: "solitary Yin is not born, solitary Yang not long", Yin and Yang two gas extremely, excessive Yin qi is lifeless, formation of the aura also lack a perennial is flowing like, uninhabitable.

Doors should not be rushed

The door is "gas" entrance, just like people to eat with his mouth, nose is just as important as breathing.Sodium gas natural into geely peaceful qi as well.The way of the information carried by the field contains work,A car accidentWound disaster, a collision problems, folded, and so on.The gas forming energy field rush shoot straight door was inauspicious, of course.Is from the security degree to consider, out rushed road, traffic is hurtling toward, also is full of dangerous, can't stay in this house.

Curtilage shape should be whole

Bungalow style of house or building style of the bedroom, with complete founder as well.The shape of the whole, each part of energy distribution is balanced, fair, won't produce too much and not evil.Strange and damage of a missing Angle of residential, field distribution is very uneven.Residential as well as the human body, to each part and each organ function coordination, is playing for the United States, neither like weak or in port.For residential choice, don't in pursuit of the effect of visual singular appearance and neglect the complete this big principle, founder or you will do more harm than good.

The appropriate peripheral and

"Peripheral" refers to the residential surroundings, soft and harmonious "and" mean.According to the "coherence theory of everything" (everything is widespread contact, mutual influence) principle, also have energy residential outer things, positive energy to help homeowners career in many aspects, physical, malignant energy, on the other hand, can bring a series of disaster to the owner.So-called vicious power such as: telephone poles, transformers, public toilets, sewage pool, slaughterhouses,The grave, noise, construction of edge, Angle, sewing, strange shapes, against water bow, bow road (refers to the water and road of bow to arch straight at home), and so on, these things are far away from the best advisable, because its field can strong will cause great damage to people.

House to size is appropriate

Now there are many people blindly pursue big house, big space, the major has a limit.How to master the limit?Live mainly according to the number of how many to decide, this no strict standards.General principles for big and empty, convenient and comfortable.If very few people live, the room is very big, this man was formed in ancient water science be room - the pattern of "room to others".Time makes people's auras are scattered and not to get together, Yin qi and sun be the spirit failure, leading to a state of imbalance.Many small room the ancients regarded as auspicious, such sentiment can overwhelm the room air.Small, of course, this is also limited to small and not plug.

The choice of units and floor

Energy produced by different units and floor also is not the same, what what kind of people should choose the unit and floor, depending on each person or each family's own information to determine.In the aura, ji, counter is fierce.Depending on the specific circumstances.Due to this problem involves the geomantic learn professional content more, far more than this passage can say clear, so do not elaborate.To sum up, a person or a family inherent information field is innate, and living environment of the field information is acquired, the fengshui master the role of the relationship between the two.Fengshui in the so-called "auspicious curtilage", said the home games of information and the information of the person harmony does not breach, the house two Ann;So-called "haunted", refers to the house of information and the information of the person field two-phase shock, long estrangement.More than nine principles of site selection is made within the category of common requirements, as for the personality, everyone is different in space and the object of xi cream.Readers, if warren's appetite, might as well read some professional books, or consult experts in the field.

Hope to be able to help you, specific animal sign and house feng shui correlation is not big,moveCan refer to the date of relocation.

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