What kind of house feng shui

What kind of house feng shui?In the purchaseBuy a houseWhen would you be confused?Don't worry, master the six big, you can easily tell what kind of house feng shui.

1, good feng shui house adhere to the "play" principle

Want to know what kind of house feng shui, the first is to see the house have to adhere to the "key" principle.We in the choose and buy a house, can't choose family missing Angle, should choose boxy, that conform to the principle of "play".Usually say that the lack of different Angle is on behalf of the family member has some shortcomings, such as: northwest gauge male host family, lack of northwest, represents the male host status, work is not strong;Lack of southwest corner, bad mistress;The lack of northeast represents difficulties "expand".

2, good feng shui house didn't make the principle of "fire"

Based on the principle of five line phase grams, fire and water are incompatible, and "fire and water photograph rushs" basically is the kitchen and the location of the outlet.House stove with sink location on the same parallel lines;Or freezer location and stoves linear relative;Also, ifThe toiletWith the kitchen only of one wall lie between, behind the stove and no phase close to the toilet.These are not made of the principle of "fire and water photograph rushs".

3, feng shui is a good house is not "open the door to see kitchen" the layout of the form

See a kitchen house if layout is "open" form, which made the traditional integrity of geomancy taboo.We say focal represent "the hidden library of lu", which should be like treasure treasure need to collect.If open open, easy money loss, adverse storage, and easy for a thief steal.In addition, the stove represents the mistress, in ancient timesA womanThree steps don't go out, just like kitchen hidden deep in the kitchen, so "open the door to see kitchen" will make housewife because her husband by reason of working out long-term or weak character, in the role of the "stakeholder" in the family, a lot of things to "carry" by his wife, but also directly affect the housewife's health.Finally, on the kanyu study, stove with "mouth" (boiled out of things is the entrance to the oven, so on the integrity of representative "mouth"), so to open the door to see kitchen like a greedy person see food you want to take, on behalf of the residents "outspoken", often due to an outspoken against others, especially the housewife, will have your breath is often associated with relatives and friends.So, what kind of house good feng shui, the layout form is also a very important factor.

4, good feng shui the adornment of the house without a "beam coping"

"Beam coping" is the most serious is the place that take the door beams, said a under the beam in and out every day is like the people young and old legs's disgrace, mental depression, also from the side reflects the family labor unappreciated, lifelong slavishly dependent "home".Second, if the beam "pressure" in the middle of the hall, like the house the middle waist broke in two, and because "waist" and "death" of harmonics, so in the ancient kanyu study some school to conclude this layout for easy "unhelpful" housing.

5, good feng shui house without the lack of "two pairs of"

Some modern interior design is MOE relatively, and air can be through the front window and rear window.But this kind of design concept, the most taboo is geomantic theory."Airflow through wealth air", so no moss, but only for people to gain curve circulation has benefits, because the sentient beings "qu".In addition, "two pairs of" have "the allegations of the door" in feng shui, easy to have your breath.The house the door of the room, therefore, also want to avoid the problem of "two door is opposite", especially the elderly and young couples, parents and children room the most important thing to notice, because "two door" may lead to the contradiction between the two generations.

6, good feng shui house would avoid the toilet a filth"

Toilet should not be commonly located in the center of house shall prevail due south, because the ancient kanyu study is called the south "fire", it is according to the ancients long-term observation of the natural world and summed up, the south is hot so conforms to the characteristics of the five lines of "fire".Connection sewers and common water flow and the toilet, so is in geomantic go up to be summed up as "water" as, "fire and water photograph rushs" (note: refers to the five elements of the principle of oil and water phase grams) will be bad for the aura of the house.Bathroom door cannot with kitchen door hedge, this also is derived from "opposition and should not be" concept, often cooking kitchen fire five lines of "fire".

To master the six points, you can determine what basic house feng shui is good.

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