What is broken JunXing peak of feng shui

What is broken JunXing peak of feng shui

Broken JunXing peak shape such as triangle ensign, head high vertical tail minister drag, stand like a wall on both sides.Broken JunXing is by other stars peak changes, but whatever the broken JunXing peak, for its characteristics of the tail.

Evil broken JunXing five lines of gold, to the mountain, abrupt, overlapping peaks form is not the whole, like a bamboo or whip.It's hall inclined to water, it is the star of the big fierce.No matter what is the auspicious acupuncture point, with a broken army, mostly rush evil spirit.

YangZhai narrow from the highlands of in house, the wall broken, eaves, such as bamboo hang freely, for changing the form, the main destruction.

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