What is the feng shui guangdong chaoshan area

What is the feng shui guangdong chaoshan area

From the point of view of the situation, chaoshan northern and western hills belong to wuyi mountains monadnock.Southern hills and mountains in the north, is the first line of defense, blocking the winter chill and lotus, nanshan and south yangshan is stop the chill of the second line of defense.The terrain of chaoshan, facingThe sea, GongWeiPing tableland.Summer is moist by moist air.

Shantou city, is China's only inland sea 澙 lake like a gourd, the wind to get together gas can hide.The sea off the coast of collection and rongjiang, han jiang river in the front, angry.

Although the prosperity of the chaoshan area has a lot to do with traditional sureness agrees with the locals.But there is no denying that money is feng shui feng shui is the chaoshan area.

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