The word "feng shui" come by

The word "feng shui" come by

Feng shui is the ancient comprehensive geological geography, ecology, landscape, architecture, ethics and aesthetics theory of ancient buildings and the environment.

The word "feng shui" generally attributed JinRen shanhaijing summarized by buried book: "the gas wind scattered, bound water check;Make do not come loose, the ancients gathered by the make a check, reason of feng shui.Method of feng shui, water, wind."The book also concisely Outlines the feng shui of habitat selection criteria: "to gather on the product, Yang and Yin and thick soil depth, yu turf grass."

Shanhaijing summarized what the word "feng shui" is to choose environment, namely environmental back, the harmony of Yin and Yang.The dragon feng shui is refers to the mountain, dragon will be born wind, the wind active;Dragon, sand, water holding and to sign, the main static water.The meaning of feng shui is to choose the dragon amiable form, thus lapras angry, receive a swan.

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