Taurus love slave

The magic of love how great?Place in the middle was a lover, parents put on one side of the situation!Eighteen layers of hell is becoming the ultimate love slave, then you are not after you, you are changed kong number one, will buy into him in front of you in the back pay cash, then into the CALL over to private driver, holidays become mobile type shelf, and beside him his bag bag with just bought food package, process to fall in love, will change as the case may be in order to satisfy the demands of a lover, together we seeThe zodiacHow will you become his love slave!

TaurusLove slave:

Taurus love slave _ the zodiac

(the zodiac/astro /)

Taurus lover attaches great importance to material comforts, go out with him must be eat good live good wear good good, don't have the money he'd swipe, no cars will go with friends to borrow, together with him is pays photogenic, like is the royal family, received as a gift won't be a roadside stall necklace, but Tiffany the latest version of the hand, you'd think he was pretty princess, is actually a swollen face he had to do was depth, the accustomed with heavily and attended by people's life, cannot leave, he had to obey him!

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