Aquarius love slave

The magic of love how great?Place in the middle was a lover, parents put on one side of the situation!Eighteen layers of hell is becoming the ultimate love slave, then you are not after you, you are changed kong number one, will buy into him in front of you in the back pay cash, then into the CALL over to private driver, holidays become mobile type shelf, and beside him his bag bag with just bought food package, process to fall in love, will change as the case may be in order to satisfy the demands of a lover, together we seeThe zodiacHow will you become his love slave!

Aquarius:Love slave:

_ the zodiac Aquarius love slave

(the zodiac/astro /)

C2: is famous for its brains flexible water bottles, coupled with hundred of rationality, is basically no one can play with him, he is in love is like an outsider, can clearly know the dynamics of the game, however, is the insiders play a game with you, when you looking irrational communication with him, is he rational calm analysis out of the water, how to speak also speak not win him, battle of wits and lose him, and unconsciously, into what have been left holding love slave to him.

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