Taurus men and women love deception

TaurusMen and women love deception

Taurus girl: cold, play hard to get.

Taurus girl if treated her don't love, but I can give her some benefits, in order to let the other side to oneself good, she will look cool, but timely filed his missing something, let the other side feel that there is an opportunity, in order to get her heart will also be willing to pay.

Taurus men and women love deception _ the zodiac

Taurus men: the light will say love is not to promise. (The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus boy if you want to lie to a girl or a feel good but don't want to marry with each other in each other's time, the moment he will be good to each other, if the person asking about this problem, the Taurus skirt around for him, and then the soulful look at each other and say something Italian secret love, nothing but promises.

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