Taurus girl character analysis

TaurusThe girl

You born in the spring, with high-minded spirit, and careful, steadfast, is a reliable person.Taurus woman is quite practical, not fooling around, slow to act and do things.They are conservative, not love vanity, and patience.

Gentle, generous, treat others attitude all things are to look before you leap.Their personality introverted, shy, and a lack of positive action, so not easy to make friends.Was very silent, in group activities, often sitting in the dark corner, only to watch others play.

Taurus girl character analysis _ the zodiac

Looks weak, shyness, actually in the home very high-handed, stubborn, and all things his own way, love family.

They once centuries to settle the matter, even if you have three inches golden tongue, also don't want to change her.They very cling to their own beliefs, only after the experience, to change.Taurus's wife, very loyal partner, even if again big temptation,

Not easily also.However, they are not industrious wife, never care for housework.

Nevertheless, lazy they are diligent about dress up, if you were to take her to go out, please send out one or two hours ahead of time, because their actions as a snail.The characteristics of Taurus is strong jealousy, possessiveness, therefore the Taurus's wife can't standHer husband was having an affair, once found her husband was having an affair, their response is quite fierce.Taurus female easy to obesity become attached to,The zodiac /astro/)

So Taurus, you cannot be too careful!

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