Leo girl character analysis

LeoThe girl

Leo was born in the summer, then give a person the feeling of warm climate.Born in women at this time, live very cheerful, like the sun a new enthusiasm.

Leo women desire is very strong, once not brought to the attention of the others, or undervalued, will immediately show displeasure look on her face, a wide berth.But they do everything aboveboard, strong self-confidence, and power.

Leo girl character analysis _ the zodiac

The Leo woman very self, do not perseverance, but also a lack of observation the patience of others.So, although have the leadership skills, is difficult to effectively.

However, they have to sacrifice for others, the spirit of dedication, and have a sincere heart.They always treat others with a pure heart, it is easy to be hurt.(The zodiac /astro/)

They believe in "one good turn deserves another," what goes around comes around, so not at detecting the ugly side of human nature.This often make their meat, so the women cannot be too careful in this advise Leo.

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