Libra girl character analysis

libraThe girl

Libra born in the autumnal equinox, the hours day and night are equal;So when women born all attaches great importance to harmony.Because the climate of the hot and cold this, so their personality like autumn bright and clear.For the cis, adversity of life, they all disagree agreeably.

Performance at ordinary times very calm calm, not exultancy, also won't be emotional and scream.Although there is the heart of the fame and fortune, but not too much pursuit, always maintain a balanced attitude.

Libra girl character analysis _ the zodiac

Due to the goddess of love and beauty Venus's guardian, so chic, libra women talk gentleness, grace, born to be a perfect lady.(The zodiac /astro/)

This constellation of women, by members of the opposite sex desire and pursuit, any occasion can attract the eyes of others.In addition to quite exciting, high taste of them, also admirably in clothes.

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