The most malicious analysis of Taurus

Taurus】 unreconstructed stone

Stubborn to death is to your advantage, if not stubborn to protect themselves, sure you survive for 24 hours!Think high eq can solve everything, just don't see, don't listen to, not the heart in all things, only to use its own superficial experience value judgment to do, the result is to let the people who love you sad, broke, you're still palpable, a pair of "is my hurt?"The pig!

The most malicious analysis of Taurus _ the zodiac

Your job, of course, well!Because your sinister side is not easily appeared, especially won't let your boss know, but you colleague is pretty bad, because how to be a feet chuai you down all don't know, you are malicious, betrayed by you are still unsure how to die, but you already told him to come and touch head, not dry.Really want to beat you, because this with humility, such as weak appearance lie low, still do not know to turn the old, is really bad!Taurus consistency, is in the right place!(The zodiac /astro/)

If someone wants to change you, or attempting to communicate with you, I think he must be crazy!Because he is an impossible task, the worst is that he and I don't know he can't do that, blind consumption has also been a waste of time with you, in the end youth, who are you crazy, Taurus is a face of innocence say: "it doesn't matter, for a long time he was accustomed to! Time can prove that I was right!"Nonsense, who don't know what you are really "along the way, consistent"!So what?If only on the stubborn the self-righteous advantages, why the award to you?You are very shallow, even chat with you is very painful, because in about half a day are boring, not gossip.In addition to money with * *, you really do not know what is the material.You say aloud a lot in our own situation, ha ha, that's not funny, unless your partner said he doesn't care about you with somebody else felt around in the outside to the death of the great virtue, otherwise, you are not qualified to say oneself life only love a person, ok?!Mean should not repeat!Taurus is known to all how cheap!

The most malicious analysis the related content of Taurus

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