The five period of Taurus men cheat

TaurusThe five period of men cheat

Around 5: during the period of the opposite sex suddenly favour their own time

Taurus is always have no confidence to oneself, if someone have a crush on themselves, they will not refuse.

Period of 4: saw old flames.

Taurus is, after all, have a heart, if your active a bit, he certainly can't stand it.

The five period of Taurus men cheat _ the zodiac

This time three: frustrated periods of melancholy.

At that time, Taurus need to rely onA womanWarmth to relax and rebuild their confidence.

2: during the period of self expansion period after wealth.

Even if the Taurus not playboy, money also reminds their inner desire.

A: during the period of marriage after entering the seven year itch.(The zodiac /astro/)

Although the Taurus personality stable, does not love changes, but they still like to have a change.

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