Leo men cheat five times

LeoThe five period of men cheat

5: during the period of busy taking care of his wifeThe childwhen

This time, his wife has been very hard, Leo don't want to let her tired already, also can't stand himself.

4: during the period of his wife's desire to fall

Leo wants his wife to oneself is full of enthusiasm, if the other party is not interested in, he can only find someone else.

The third period: found that infidelity

Leo men are remarried his male dignity, if the other party to take the cuckold husband, he will a tooth for a tooth.

The five period of Leo men cheat _ the zodiac

2: during the period of the wife is too "henpecked"

If the wife of Leo tube too strict, tend to stimulate their inner psychological inversion.

A: during the period of friends go out to play (The zodiac /astro/)

Leo but very face saving, composite was also like and friends, and others if dry, they will do it.

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