Analyzing the Pisces at the sharp end

Pisces】 no longer rare animals of the brain

Super fantasy socialism and realism complex, if you are romantic, romantic two words really insult!Because your romantic only in your head with your watery eyes box, never practice, because you don't have a ability.So you only a fantasy, not qualified to say romantic!But the strange thing is, you and surreal, you can calculate money with other people is unambiguous, the sort of calculation, also known as people look for a lifetime!In the world if there were a prize called 'no moral award, you must have received the first prize, because you always had no virtue education, and so to you, in addition to the dark side of human nature, the other is invisible, what drugs, alcohol, amour, all related to the scandal, mostly about the relationship with you, really adore!

Analysis of Pisces is the most malicious _ the zodiac

Emotions dominate your life, really feel sad, because you how also learn can't use any reason to help you sad, life to die of old age, will also think your family broken washing machine, just to do with you, deliberately not only let you wash the clothes!Crazy to this degree, even three years oldThe childBecause of your ignorance, feel sorry for you!

Because emotional ignorance, led to the complete control of your life in someone else's hands, others never know which words have wronged you which nerve, but that doesn't matter, because you are the boring part, after just send shi said he would never talk to a so-and-so and it didn't take long, he immediately forgive that had just been you curse, god!This kind of split personality, only you stand!(The zodiac /astro/)

You are a anthomaniac, promiscuous and level 3!Always use a?N of attitude, treat all the people around, as long as you are, sometimes even stranger you can discharge, the principle of no treatment feelings about this, such as in trouble will cry, think they can solve all the tears offensive, wait to lover can't bear to leave you, you also want to find a monk, by some strange means to restore love, true abnormal condition!Thought in the film, will live forever in the fog, impenitence of dead guy!

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