The fox said first "month gold to be not moved," the Aquarius

The fox said first "month gold to be not movedAquarius:

【 month bottle golden ram 】

Not surprisingly, this is not adjustable configuration.Because golden ram is fast input, enthusiastic, and Aquarius is need personal space and distance.See don't understand?So this configuration of people, usually at the time of just fall in love with a person, that is all sorts of eager.When people also fall in love with them, they love their problem came out...Please stay away from me, that your TM started doing so enthusiastic?You warm family, of course, also in response to your passion.Don't you like to have been use hot face to stick the somebody else cold ass?

"Month bottle golden bull"

Frankly, golden bull is really like and love have body contact, hugging and kissing, spluttered pa, such activities can let them get a sense of security.But, on bottles of thought is pulling away.So the configuration is often a person heart is not feeling for each other, or people will think they love is your body...So, in order to allow the relationship to continue.Whether it can put your sacred "thought independent space", bring you a little bit out of the person you like to share, and...Ask somebody else for less physical intimacy?

The fox said first "month gold to be not moved" Aquarius _ the zodiac

【 month bottle golden Gemini 】

Obviously, this configuration is not like fool.They like intelligent and thoughtful person, because this configuration you will find that most of the time they are in love, are in tell each other about all kinds of theories they find interesting.If he is an idiot doesn't get all the content of the speech, he will be bored to death.But this configuration is most often the problem is, they often visit his speaking, but also have no don't realize how stubborn.Make each other feel to fall in love with them is like listening to lectures, but both are not allowed to argue, and no light like a mindless fans applauded.Can you don't embarrass people?

【 month bottle gold cancer 】

This is a configuration of one born to be not moved.Gold cancer is two people together, like family warm and familiar feeling, water bottles and month...Always need to private space.So often displayed in this configuration is in love, they are good to each other, take care of, but their own personal world is completely closed.Obviously, any a healthy relationship, pay is a two-way street.This configuration this way of paying if it is true love them, finally will because in less than their inner has already left.And able to handle them this model, is obviously not take them seriously.Why is this?

"Month bottle golden lion"

Gold lion's love is magnificent and grand, this other words too many times.While the month water bottle is alternative bystanders.This configuration of people often have concocted a very big very beautiful love, then after each other and watch the people entering the state, he transferred to the onlookers.In silently laughing at yourself, the other party, and all the onlookers people glitz and vulgar - two words, "sick!"This is not your own planning?You dig a pit for all jumped, and then you stand on the edge of the crater to laugh silly force?Two times can endure you, much more to who play with you?

"Month bottle gold virgin"

Gold virgo is critical, the monthly water bottle?Month bottle thought and objective truth more than anything else.The meaning of this configuration is that he is to love you, his favorite is still the truth of the truth, logic, and the objective world.Sounds like nothing, you consider, if you are tired want to have someone to comfort himself, he swept over a analysis for you, you did say you here no there no, are you very want to take a hammer swung his head?So the configuration is not adjustable, originated from emotion itself is a unreasonable all by feel, and you have to force the somebody else talk to you about a "reasonable love", this can talk about it, please?In 3000, National People's Congress seminars is waiting for you, don't torture you.

【 month bottle gold libra 】

This is a very reasonable configuration.But unlike in Gemini gold libra, this configuration is not so easy to walk around by others.They don't put other people around.But this configuration itself, and no more.They just like the light, like a roommate relationship.Live together, eat and sleep, even with into with out, but they each have their own life.Their love is not easy to put all the thoughts, although this for their own nothing, but if their partner is like a fire or water, is very painful.Because they are always really "balls".

【 month bottle gold Scorpio 】

This configuration is far from you don't think so.Gold Scorpio is deep-rooted love, the so-called "is not incisively and vividly is not love.And water bottles, we always say it's cool in front of alienation.In fact, the monthly water calm alienated, because they know their crazy is no limit, so will deliberately to exercise restraint.Other Venus is difficult to break in bottle of self-control, but gold Scorpio is different...So the configuration is very easy to find that they fall in love with a like crazy torture yourself, some serious even self-harm.If for no other, only for a crazy to the end, if is not madness, it will feel incomplete, that's a good crazy once, then honestly come back normal.The old crazy with who stand?

【 month bottle gold striker 】

This configuration is very interesting.Is simple to describe, only he likes you, don't you like him.Good play?This configuration is like the compromise, seems to have if have no feelings.Chasing people on the run, they especially.Once the other side was most impressed by them, began to turn back to their feelings, they want to runaway.This is not a month gold to be not moved, this is born to finance.

"Month bottle Jin Mo jie"

It's cold Jin Mo jie, bottle cooler.Results both together, this is basically a less talk love configuration.But Jin Mo jie need warm, the month water underneath the crazy love, it's in trouble.You this is not the "alienation" balls, it is a tip, you where to find you so big group the three true fire?You are either so cold bottom go to, anywayTo get marriedDon't need too much enthusiasm.Or you could quickly heat up a bit, somehow the somebody else for you, you give a little response line not?

"Month bottle gold bottle"

Said Kim said Scorpio, water bottles to yearn for a crazy in love, but in general their rational and calm to restrain this kind of crazy.But when the moon and Venus are in Aquarius...This person is easy to fall in love become neuropathy.Emotions out of control, cry laugh, that is a pediatrician.The most afraid of poor rock body, to every play double suicide that is bad.What is more, this configuration the neurotic like will suddenly turn off the switch.Also in to death to live to double suicide before, suddenly on the cold down the next day, didn't even see each other...This configuration I really don't know how to treat, you be happy good.

Pisces 】 【 on water bottles (The zodiac /astro/)

Although the Scorpio and gold bottle month bottles so hi, thought gold Pisces month bottle also very hi.No, Pisces is adaptive, so gold you can't change the alienation in bottles.So the configuration into often talk about some very Platonic love.Long distance relationship is best for them, have the feeling of love, don't need to share their personal space.But the question is, what love finally is to rush cohabitation and get married to, once went to the stage, they can easily be ruthless real wake-up call.And then lose interest in this period of love...What, people can't live in a vacuum, or want to grounding gas!Otherwise you imagine a man falling in love with him!

The fox said first "month gold to be not moved" Aquarius related content

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