The fox said first "month gold to be not moved" Scorpio

The fox said first "month gold to be not movedScorpio

Ram 】 【 in Scorpio gold

This configuration in gold are both Mars's sign, but this did not make this configuration has become very "tuning".Because Scorpio is not easy to believe that people, and they tend to be easy to think of things to the dark side.And the golden ram is quite a spirit of adventure and desperate aggressive mettle.Together they became they are usually worried that each other does not love themselves, or in love with someone else, be swayed by considerations of gain and loss.Side desperate to pay all of his love, money, body, and even life, in exchange for each other.In the end, is nothing but hope each other can according to their own, let oneself love more secure - sick to be cured?A lack of trust, the other people is how to also can't meet.Even if suicide for you, you will also suspected that he "sinner".Where this reasoning?To put on the gold to be not moved, treat yourself killed "paranoia"!

"Month Scorpio gold bull"

This configuration on gold in the two zodiac signs of palace.Scorpio attaches great importance to the spirit of conjunction, the so-called "heart do not pass".While gold Taurus attach more importance to the guarantee of material.Seems this is the direction of the two, but in fact this constellation for palace for emotional attitude is not really the opposite.Whether spirit conjunction or material guarantee, the Taurus and Scorpio in the feelings of "stability".Of human nature of this configuration is not adventurers, and full of doubt, but I don't like risky relationship.So they find it hard to start a relationship, even if the start will also lived for a long time in the other's doubt.However, a period of no trust feelings, it is hard to continue for a long time.And they will leave each other after self-mockery said "look, he indeed as expected untrusted" - when everyone you meet is the case, you don't want to, is you take each other into this?Others with what you endlessly under suspicion and torture?

The fox said first "month gold to be not moved" Scorpio _ the zodiac

The twin 】 【 in Scorpio gold

Golden Gemini love is easy, and even can be said to be frivolous.They like the feeling of two people happy together, and don't want to think too much.Scorpio's love is heavy, and month even suffocative.They like to vigorous, even willing to vigorous and tore heart crack lung, it doesn't matter.When Gemini gold in Scorpio, is a standard configuration of month gold.Gemini gold covet the feeling of relaxed and happy, but a relationship started before long, in Scorpio will come out, put the relationship became more heavy.So want to golden Geminiescape, and the month Scorpio is sticking with the relationship of death to let go.As a result, the others ran away, you also in place.Feelings for you is true or not, is not he flow how many tears for you, how much injury, but that he is willing to do what to go with you.Nothing don't old with others line not?

Cancer 】 【 in Scorpio gold

"I must be the man finally abandoned" - this is the month Scorpio gold view of the feelings of the cancer.They don't believe in yourself, don't believe in love.But they are better than most people need love, this is not the gold to be not moved, how is this month and we will not adjust.If you pessimistic about one thing has to you think impossible, but it is also not you, and constantly love hatred for themselves unable to get the ai, this is not to be sick?Sick sick, OK?Or you give up love, honesty to the marriage.Or you learn to believe in love, believe in yourself.Actually for month Scorpio, the problem of love is not to learn how to love others, but to learn how to love yourself.You don't love yourself, how can you love others?What makes you to someone else to love you?

"Month Scorpio gold lion"

Golden lion like love is grand and luxuriant, blessed by all the people, be the envy of all people.For months Scorpio, they hope I love the man, his good, oneself a person knows.They may even worry that if too many people find their lover of good, someone will come and take him away.It seems it is not adjustable square!But in fact, who said in Scorpio is really like a low profile?Their favorite is actually, the person you love is all love, while his eyes only oneself.Even though everyone knows that he is good, only oneself really know what is - his good look, tuning now?Scorpio is not don't like to show off in an ostentatious manner, is just their own hand.So this is not the good cure, get some hand out!Don't show off white don't show off!!

Virgo 】 【 in Scorpio gold

Month a virgin is a Scorpio gold not die configuration.Gold virgins love to the fault of their own feelings of love, encountered have murdered paranoia in Scorpio, like him who, for their own fault hobby has found the most powerful support - from the mother don't have to worry about my boyfriend couldn't pick the thorns!- hey, wake up, ok!You are to fall in love or play "together"?Don't feel happily to be smart, who also won't cheat?A person who you play, also have a good time?You put yourself into the victim, being deceived man, what's the benefit?Will be happy, or would you satisfied?Feel clear eyes good-looking, app store "to find your sister is still free, next to find out for yourself.Let the person who love you?

Libra 】 【 in Scorpio gold

Finally have a Venus is to relieve a Scorpio is killed "paranoia" of the next month.Although in Scorpio or gold libra has a sticky problem, but, on the gold have unified hobby is not very good!Better than a roll, another said that let you roll back and forth, who let you roll line.Scorpio than month everything like the personality up far, gold on the surface of the more important to libra objective results.But though the gold of the libra "egg MAO" to a certain extent, help in Scorpio, want a relationship smoothly continue, in Scorpio will still struggle with murder of his paranoia is.

Scorpio 】 【 in Scorpio gold

The configuration of the juicer.When they fall in love with a person, they are either constantly squeezing each other's mood, let the other side moment in an extreme emotion, is not very high is very hurt.Or constant pressure with your emotions, let oneself time is a kind of "is not very high is hurt" extreme emotions.Or get both moment in "is not very high is hurt" extreme emotions...Watch out yet?That's right.Fall in love with this configuration, the risk is very big.They are not themselves very hurt, let the other side carried the guilt live.Is having a lot of each other, and then carried on charges of "sinners", horribly alive - and of course, the heart a little fragile, halfway by them to turn extreme emotional myocardial infarction died.That they are more tragic - hey, dare to fall in love more normal?Don't talk about love just need not sweating fart to dig the gum?Tinkering with what?!

【 month Scorpio gold striker 】

I said gold striker like "a little bit dangerous", because the striker is a full of romantic adventure, signs of the zodiac.But...Everything in Scorpio love at worst.Scorpio that month striker with gold, and becomes the side looking for stimulus, while dark rub anxiety have to want to go to shi shi.This is a very typical symptoms of month gold.But it's very interesting is, the month Scorpio is not really like stability.You really give him a spectrum and sedate man, they will feel boring.Because is too challenging.So it isn't as not to move, as it looks on the surface of their anxiety, largely from the month Scorpio overcare - you clearly is love that kind of danger, that you also think about security?Enjoy the exciting feeling.Love to play, play up!

"Month Scorpio Jin Mo jie"

Jin Mo jie feelings view is very practical also very secular.Find a solid, knot of marriage, not better than everyone, but also absolutely can't let other people embarrassment.If this Venus with a 2 b xi xi, the moon also calculate, just in the month Scorpio's eyes, the whole world is full of malice, it's in trouble, because in Scorpio will let the Jin Mo jie anytime and anywhere with their anxiety with "if I become a joke" problem - and they never tell each other what they in anxiety!!And then talk about well each other clearly in love with them, they want to think himself suddenly on the dark...Then each other in a bizarre situation.Coax, even coax good at the moment, while dark again.At last each other can't bear to leave, but they were rather like a sigh of relief, thinking, "look, he finally left me.I don't have to be a joke..."Sick to cure?

"Month Scorpio gold bottle"

Have to say, gold bottle "fearless" 2 strength is ease "killed late paranoia" for the month of Scorpio.How do you say?Because Scorpio likes to think of things went bad, but for gold bottle, too, too smooth, too wide praise people he didn't want to!How boring?Love is to fight with the world.And now, the month Scorpio already feel the whole world is your own right, gold bottle with month Scorpio combination it like a duck to water, now that the world is not I, that I will break with the world...Hey, wake up, the kiss.Are you living in three yuan?Unless you have a knack for flattened the press themselves into two yuan, otherwise the confrontation with the entire world is based on this kind of thing you enjoyed the play, a person will not really the whole world with you.

Scorpio gold Pisces 】 【 month (The zodiac /astro/)

This configuration can be called "think too much combination".Scorpio already want to many, whereas the gold Pisces was supposed to be filled with all kinds of to the love of romantic fantasy.Scorpio, but once in a month is like Disneyland in October, suddenly from the land into a pink black.Originally is still bright and beautiful and sad little emotional appeal, bright and beautiful is not thoroughly now, even the remaining few "sorrow", but "injury" left in the basic.But it happened that there is no love will shi gold Pisces configuration, even hurt everyday, they don't care.They just before being love into a sieve, and to make the good feeling the taste of love, wake up?Love is people yearning, because people in love will experience the other relationships do not happiness, not hurt.You can only hurt, that's love?Hurriedly wake up, put your head full of poor drama to the editing again, even programming bay pure love idol drama, disgusted dead around others, also make their great affliction is better than you.

The fox said first "month gold to be not moved" Scorpio related content

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