The fox said first "month gold to be not moved," the cancer

The fox said first "month gold to be not movedcancer

Ram 】 【 on cancer gold

Cancer is very careful very carefully, but golden ram...You all know, the chest of the modelling of a brave words.So you say it's not on the gold to be not moved...Also calculate.Because the rhythm of the golden ram, really is too hard for month cancer.Cancer of the small heart of cafa in prop is not have to live on!So, golden ram will be slightly a bit, too bold and unrestrained really month gold to be not moved

"Month cancer gold bull"

Apart from being too passive, the configuration and killed paranoid-delusional, old thought they were going to live up to.So to accept a person is to think about and consider, uneasy and uneasy.Very not easy to accept each other, a heart or suspension.As if the other party at any time will abandon herself.So it's easy to cling glued to each other.But actually really suspension is not necessarily a bad thing, because once you have this configuration of security will become very lazy.Very anxious to eat and drink pull scatter have someone else to solve yourself - if not responsible for their own, it is very easy to be abandoned.

The fox said first "month gold to be not moved," the cancer _ the zodiac

The twin 】 【 on cancer gold

This is a very wayward configuration.Because gold Gemini chase is fun, relaxed feeling.Responsibility for Gemini gold is too heavy, so when a relationship entered the stage of discussion of responsibility, whether appearance, Gemini gold heart will back a little bit more or less.And in cancer is extremely hope has a person to bring his people.So it is easy to cause, its everyday talk to each other responsibility, but refused to take any responsibility for each other.And you can't say he, because cancer is...A heart of glass...Only states set fire forbid people light-on, what feeling is bad?!

【 month cancer gold cancer 】

This combination is sister Lin.Sensitive, conservative, glass heart, easily sad tears.What is slightly not equal to idea, feel the whole world to abandon myself...Wake up?Not is order in boyfriend yesterday didn't call you love to eat food, his love to eat?As for not?This combination has a problem, is that if you can't let them first love just one pace reachs the designated positionTo get marriedChildren, a lot of people think about the rest of my life the first love - hey, wake up!First love is N years ago, don't you have to find a same person, again the same tragedy results?Cherish the present, at present no one will find back, you go looking for?The first love can so good of you two points?Silly not stupid

"Month cancer gold lion"

This is a very easy to the configuration of the virgin heart.Because cancer for emotional pay is very generous (of course, they asked for in return is also very high, but at least they feel free to pay feelings, also very good at expressing feelings), and the golden lion for emotional expression is warm and generous.In this configuration, it seems, to find a person is not easy, which he also should be so generous to him.Even if the other party made some mistakes, as long as the other party is willing to put a low profile to admit a mistake, they will usually want to give each other the opportunity to "correct".The problem is...Too generous easy to overlook the principle, mistakenly assume that you can always give in to each other, and further spying on your bottom line.

"Month cancer gold virgin"

Whether gold virgin or cancer, is a high and low tolerance of configuration.The two together, the more I require high and low tolerance.So the configuration unless their condition is very good, choice is very big, otherwise the opportunity will not love too much, because can value eye really too little.And eyes very not easy value, and easily because can't stand this configuration high selective and run away.As a result, the biggest cause of configuration to be not moved because the eye is too small, make a mountain out of a molehill does not let the other side more cautious to you, and may take each other away.

【 month cancer gold libra 】

This configuration meet the economic condition not good person, must detours.This does not take table greedy, but this combination regardless of the month cancer demand for "domain", or gold demand for elegant, leisurely, libra in the s are need money.In fact this combination is quite suitable for when a wealthy family, because a month cancer is exquisite, will take care of people, and there was a gold libra's elegant, easy.Just this configuration please identify yourself, don't invest the so-called "potential shares".Sentient beings drinking water is not suitable for you.

Cancer gold Scorpio 】 【 month

Another poor shake drama actor and configuration.Moon, Venus is in the water like, of course, are sensitive, delicate, thoughtfulness, and full of sensibility.But gold Scorpio person always likes to pursue the feelings of deep feeling, and their respective for "deep love" and a variety of strange to understand, taste quite a non-mainstream.But on the cancer is very easy to lack of security, though they willing to sacrifice, for love but on cancer really hit a gold Scorpio the ups and downs of love.For months the cancer, good relationship should be stable at least.So the configuration is in love, or to consider the secular factors, cannot too mainstream

【 month cancer gold striker 】

This configuration is basically the rhythm of the "pain".Gold striker's love is full of romantic adventure, and month cancer has never been an adventurous configuration.If this configuration to match of the day, libra and Capricorn is slightly better, if the sun in Scorpio and Sagittarius and Aquarius, cancer is basically in a state of half frightened - playing the hard feelings, and secretly wished for yourself worrying.In order to heart health, or to pursue on the main feelings

Cancer Jin Mo jie 】 【 month

Don't assume that were in the palace on gold configuration must be to be not moved.Compared this configuration and actually a, is very good.Cancer and Capricorn is the pursuit of stability and the family sense of belonging, so for this configuration of people, find a sedate on partner, is no doubt about it.But for the palace of the differences is that in the cancer need a lot of emotional moist, but on the cancer itself also belongs to the mood more rich.But Jin Mo jie used to rational treatment of feelings.So the configuration is easy to bureau of hot and cold, unpredictable.In fact between emotion and reason, to redress the balance slightly.

"Month cancer gold bottle"

Gold bottle like "lover bosom friend" of each other.They usually don't like to shuffle when couples spend together with your lover, in gold bottle view, Shared values, interests, or thought, than both of be bored with you together all the day you I you more attractive.But, I'm sorry, on the cancer to shuffle when couples spend very much.So they are not to move, because they are in love will give the other half of a kind of illusion, "I'm independent, but they are in my heart has been looking forward to the other party often cared about their fragile heart.So when not happy because they are not each other's care, the other party will feel very grievance, your ya a clearly "ignore me what" posture, now blame me ignore you?

Cancer gold Pisces 】 【 month (The zodiac /astro/)

All I need is love - this configuration is one of the biggest problems for the feelings of greed.They wish to 7 * 24 hours of the shuffle when couples spend together with your lover, they even think that the other party should be 7 * 24 hours took good care of him, care by fu DE rose, also not so abundant emotion?Normal person with normal mood swings, which someone every day love of truth?Either learn to adapt to a normal life, learn to appreciate the beautiful caring.Either......See can only find a mood of energetic performing arts practitioners, roared like a horse?I think the average person can't stand?

The fox said first "month gold to be not moved," the cancer related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query