Aquarius cocktail


Aquarius: chicken tail wine: romantic passion trilogy


1/4 oz Vodka Vodka

3/4 oz Amaretto amato apricot wine

Top Sour Mix acid taste

Shake sway method

Add 1/2 oz Blue Curacao glass in Blue and orange

Pour Mix in glass (12 oz) 12 oz cup

The Dash grenadine small amounts of pomegranate juice (about an ounce)

Pick Aquarius lover's love, it is easy to work in the pub.Since you are clear to lover to save man, need lover at purdue, the lover will give you the opportunity, pull you a hand and make your reborn.Aquarius emotional attaches great importance to "like-minded";From the point of character, love and do STH unconventional or unorthodox, Aquarius lover, is quite acceptable to 3 p game is put soup unruly but quite independent;Inadvertently encounter Aquarius lover, will help you find a whole new world.

evendrinking, circulating Aquarius is disorder, but can still keep calm;This is belongs to the qualitative of Aquarius lover, suggest you can and lover to exchange ideas and life attitude to life, for lover, everything is right.Almond, vodka, and sweet and sour wine into the cup Shake, pour a Blue Curacao in the cup after stirring, presents the deep shallow Blue.To drink, pour a red pomegranate juice, look at the red liquid drop in wine, as no and also add pick elements.
Aquarius cocktail to lover, don't need a particular place or time, but like the pour red pomegranate juice, must grasp the Timer.

Aquarius cocktail _ the zodiac

Aquarius dream cocktail:

Perceptual and cheerful, you need is a glass of wine, full of nanyang with 1 oz of gin, and 0.5 oz blue citrus wine, plus a little lemon juice, and eight full 7 up, finally put ice and dendrobium as decoration.

Aquarius novice cocktail:

Does not press CARDS out of Aquarius, full of intelligent and spirituality, can choose chocolate around the cold drink, dissolves the chocolate dissolves to form a wall, make the person can't look through the Aquarius real idea.

Aquarius is most suited to a cocktail: Comfort Rocks (The zodiac /astro/)

You are scientific and a social consciousness, you are traditional and an ability to create.

1.5 oz. So. Comfort

Lemon twist

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