Gemini cocktail


Gemini chicken tail wine: romantic super bugler


1/2 oz Kahua carew coffee liqueur

1/2 oz Baileys baili sweet

1/2 oz Vodka Vodka

Whipped Cream with fresh Cream

Layer hierarchical

Vast amounts of Gemini lover, want to and loverdrinkingCannot be too boring, best can from political events and trends to entertainment gossip topic such as cold not jealous;To tempt to calm and resourceful Gemini lover, in addition to humor, also can let lovers to try new things.With lover to decorate the avant-garde pub, and lover wine games, with the Shooter cup, coffee, Irish milk wine wine and vodka, along the glass slowly pour in sequence around the first modulation of this wine, need to practice more, can be tilted slightly, and the buffer and then pour on the back of spoon, slowly pour into layers.

Because the proportion of three drinks is different, will appear beautiful levels;Nerve keen lover drink again good, also able to withstand the novelty.You might think this is no wine, explosive place after miles - you can near the bottom of the table in * a cream # 2, and two cherries on the cream of the scrotum position when the testicles.Two people drink to Gemini lover is a bit too stuffy, this wine is suitable for everyone to the lover together, play is to lover since cream * * with the tongue, eat whole root cream # 2, and the lover with the mouth will knot cherries terrier.

After blowing the horn "cream", another lover directly from his mouth drops, lifting their breath out wine.In this play to remind this bartender game, close to the lover don't be too hard to bite, to avoid glass broken;Can put a little strong tribute alternative music, drums, if lovers can play longer take cream second picture, but don't choose too greasy creamy taste.

Gemini cocktail _ the zodiac

Gemini dream cocktail:

Versatile, you can speak good, of course, to be different.In Swiss glass in 1/3 red pomegranate juice first, the second floor with a small spoon to beverage by side slowly pour in, floating on the second floor.Finally float on the layer is tequila.When drinking, but a drink, or a wisky glass with ice and soda water to drink!

Novice Gemini cocktail: banana republic

There is a dual personality's favorite drink.The mixture of strawberry and banana this two kinds of different flavors, with complex and different flavor, like eating two kinds of drink imported fruits, has the dual character of taste.

Gemini is most suited to a cocktail: martini (The zodiac /astro/)

You have knowledge, versatile, wit and charm and has the compassion, is a kind of master, a magazine editor.

1.5 oz. Gin

A moderate amount of absinthe

Onion juice

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