Virgo cocktail


Virgo chicken tail wine: romantic curfew law


10 oz Midori m beautiful wine

Beer beer

Wine CodergrapesSparkling wine

Liqueur Liqueur

Collins glass 12 oz can straight cup Lin

How to open frowsty coquettish virgo hood door?Wine is a shortcut.Virgo lover to say not interested in wine, and to avoid drinking occasions, have had to go to social parties, if the business can not go as far as possible not to virgo lover.Lover's rear to exercise, also don't want to waste the golden * wealth on the material, is suffering can't refuse, love peopledrinking;But also if sweet wine drinking, or with herbs, spices, fruit and fruit related to alcohol.

Lover in addition to oneself does not love wine, also don't want you to drink, because the lover of man looks for drunk and embarrassing state.Want to be cocktails for virgo, but after the vigil and lover, find a quiet Japanese pub, take out the wine guy, might as well to the lover that you are waiting to get a professional bartender license, can have the honor to please the lover test first?Such a reason, a virgo lover may not refuse, room is the most favorable zone and the lover of solitude;And drink had better choose in the middle of the night, the night the aphrodisiac effect than any period of time.

First put in the cup filled with ice. Pour into beer after injected melon wine, brewed from cactus, is the most important formula after distillation and distillation of Liqueur, and adding sparkling wine, produces the feeling like such as carbonated drinks, no Shake, can be directly modulated in the cup.Wine to drink to drink in front of the melting ice, sweet tastes like soda, feel soft, not strong, in fact is immense.A cup of drink bad people down, on the red place is red;The lover will drink drunk more show little shyness coquetry, are announced to you body law for the time being.

Virgo cocktail _ the zodiac

Virgo dream cocktail:

Disposition gentle with self humor you, very pay attention to for self requirements.Since the 1 oz cup with brandy, butter ball a grain, a few of protein, shake with ice, pour into a cocktail glass, sprinkle with nutmeg.

Virgo new cocktail: lemon qi FengPa

Pure white color, a see will know that is the requirement of perfect and pure virgo drinks.Virgo's persistent like lemon acid, sweet and sour yogurt and butter, sweet and sour taste.

Virgo is best suited to a cocktail: cold palm wine,The zodiac /astro/)

You have the ability to recognize, sensitivity analysis of the force and the rigorous, is a perfectionist, you are helpful and encouraging.

1/2 TSP sugar

1 oz. Water

2 oz. Whiskey

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