Aquarius man/boy love all analysis report

Aquarius:Man/boy love all analysis report

Aquarius man:

1. The favorite of the girls would how to express emotion?

Aquarius male love together with friends, but in front of the girls like subordinate, they are belong to will automatically stick to the girl next to the boy, Aquarius man just a prick, they enjoy their favorite girl joke, even small pick on or deceive this girl, these small moving the action, is to let the girl noticed Aquarius man specially behavior, if the girl's reaction to the cute let Aquarius male heart, Aquarius man would be very direct confession, but if the girl's response to Aquarius man didn't move of feeling, so he will convert the relationship of natural to good friends!

All index: 65%

Aquarius man/boy love all analysis _ the zodiac

2. Aquarius men easy to dim Mei character, how to see through? (The zodiac /astro/)

All the friends as a good friend, is the most universal life attitude, Aquarius man that both men and women, however, as long as the Aquarius male as a friend, even girls, Aquarius man also they see, when the boys are sometimes beat, or joke about some relatively close, the action is easy to make some girls feel the heart speeds up, seems to Aquarius man "like" interesting to them, but to be honest, Aquarius man was never see you as a girl!

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