Sagittarius man/boy love all analysis report

SagittariusMan/boy love all analysis report

Sagittarius men:

1. The favorite of the girls would how to express emotion?

Sagittarius men are super type directly, but they don't like ram male so unromantic, they are usually very clear most of the girls like handsome appearance, therefore Sagittarius men love to do is play handsome in front of you like of girl, whether to play ball, like the girls Sagittarius men will be invited to see your performance on the court, or simply directly on the pitch to the like of girl a kiss, let the girl attacks by other girls jealous eye, but the flirting play handsome and handsome action, usually to a full expression effect, also makes the Sagittarius man in love is always successful, each will chase!

All index: 75%

Sagittarius man/boy love all analysis _ the zodiac

2. Sagittarius men easy to dim Mei character, how to see through? (The zodiac /astro/)

Due to play handsome it is easy to small ecg to other girls, also let Sagittarius men always have a lot of girls chasing, because a game can probably electric dozens of girls to set a fan club, it also makes a lot of girls easy to have a romantic situation occurred, but in fact, as long as careful observation, can understand Sagittarius men are always only a girl to his towel to wipe the sweat, or only a girl ready to drink, actually let Sagittarius men like, only that one!

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