Aries man/boy love all analysis report

Aries man/boy love all analysis report

Ram male:

1. The favorite of the girls would how to express emotion?

Ram male for their favorite girl is quite directly, but also quite curious baby, they will be very directly express their intentions, such as "Internet in this look for me?"Or "fast mobile phone number for me!", fairly straightforward attitude not artificial, is the ram male on girls' favorite standard performance, of course, some ram male will be more direct would tell the girl like, after adding and dropping classes or work to and from work, he would pick up in person, if the girls like ram male, just nod, this super directly to all over the world can see ram male who like to move, is also the most can move the heart of the girls.

All index: 10%

Aries man/boy love all analysis _ the zodiac

2. The ram male easy to dim Mei character, how to see through? (The zodiac /astro/)

Naturally like a hero to save the beautiful ram male often move to help the girl, this kind of help is often not too pick object, of course, we can assume this is a kind of "chivalrous", that is to say as long as you are a girl, or you look quite weak, ram male can't help rescue, but many girls will dim Mei such a move is a sign of ram male love, but in fact it's just they are helpful, don't was saved at a time of fell in love!

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