The best Christmas gift to Aquarius gay friends

toAquarius:Gay best friendThe Spring Festivalgift

Aquarius: symbol of friendship

Protecting the bottle of human relationships, tend to take too much is as important as love in friendship, so, might as well send he emphasized and symbol of "gay" love between you object?Like a pair of gay friends key chain, mobile phone pendants or something, but be sure to write your words of friendship, don't be afraid of embarrassing enough, enough chuo blind, anyway the bottle itself is embedded written "alternative" two characters, he always don't care about other people's eye.

Aquarius: gay friends the best Spring Festival gift _ the zodiac

Special recommendation:

Yak bone carving word: the carving word can DIY custom content, you want to say to him, such as "good gay friends go life" written on the above, can a person a pendant, reserved for memorial.

Gay friends: we have seen a parody of a virgin certificate, bachelor certificate, good witness, etc., for gay friends are also has a certificate, not a good gay friend's certificate to him!(The zodiac /astro/)

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