The best Christmas gift to libra gay friends

tolibraGay best friendThe Spring Festivalgift

Libra: small endowment the high-quality goods

Are all in my bones libra breath small endowment, so his gift toward the standards of "small endowment", that's right!Essential oil is a very good choice, but like Japanese bells, storage tank, decorative oil painting, such as small boutique, and clocks, envelopes, postcards, carved wooden jewelry box, such as retro items, also can let a libra fondle admiringly, collected from tourist attractions around the postcards, is also very meaningful.

Libra gay friends the best Spring Festival gift _ the zodiac
Special recommendation:

Hand-painted postcards: talented bobbin might as well hand draw a card, absolutely unique.In addition, his paintings, the patterns of the PS or computer print postcard, would also be great.

Essential oils incense: delicate fragrance, the essential oil, a little candlelight, can let whole home is filled with small endowment emotional appeal.The choice of essential oils is diverse, with a variety of hairdressing health benefits.(The zodiac /astro/)

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