Gay friends best lunar New Year gift

tocancerGay best friendThe Spring Festivalgift

Cancer: personality household to take

All say cancer is a representative of the family, spending more time at home, so mostly prefer to buy some super 'personality pajamas and leisure wear, etc., and then put on the autodyne, hairnet road show MOE!This kind of gift he never too many, 7 days a week for seven kinds of style too much.If only the other party for lovers or couple have CP directly to send home, even if you don't wear out, wear at home have the addiction is also very happy!

Gay friends the best Spring Festival gift _ the zodiac

Special recommendation:

Tapping the sweethearts outfit: most gay friends have the network of CP, wearing "attack", the word "by" a sweethearts outfit photograph, fast wish them "tapping DE boundless, the boundless"!

Animal pajamas: now the otaku don't go out for a long time women are love animals pajamas, a big tail super kawaii,, of course, is to first understand what his favorite animal.(The zodiac /astro/)

The most match gay friends:Aquarius:Scorpio

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