How to play the "golden week", Gemini tourism travel guide

How to play the "golden week", Gemini tourism travel guide to _ the zodiac

How to play the "golden week",GeminiTourism travel guide

Travel: u u u u u

Gemini luck this week, can arrange some more stimulating tourism activities.Such as hunting, adventure, etc., can let the Gemini in stimulating activities enjoy unprecedented pleasure.Single people paying attention to meet women during the journey, initiative has the opportunity to develop a new relationship.

Travel charm orientation: due east

Required: travel carsick

Have fun travel (recommended) : a hole

Yixing zhang hole scenic city, "adventure" underground river is a major bright spot, hard hats, tie a miner's hat, holding the OARS, sit rubber rafts in the cave exploration, both stimulating and novelty.There are 1500 meter long waiting for you oh.(The zodiac /astro/)

Eat (for) : near the taihu lake, yixing, whitebait, white shrimp, crabs and other fresh lake, lily, pheasant, hare, duck, is also a special skill.In addition, Chinese chestnut, the shoot of MAO bamboo and yan to mushroom, the "three treasures" yixing, and do not miss.

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