Gemini most hate someone tube

Tube what others _ the zodiac Gemini hate most

GeminiMost hate someone tube

Gemini: change his mind,The zodiac /astro/)

In fact, Gemini is very easy to get along with, very reasonable, to speak about a constellation.If is the other half, he will be very reasonable with you to discuss and consult, but the only thing that can't endure is that you want to change his ideas and concepts, such as he is very like a star, you have to in front of him said that star is how bad, how messy personal life, and he is a Christian, you have to let him get incense worshipping Buddha, and so on, they will be very angry, because they think this is their freedom, it is not necessary to change ideas, people have a bottom line, and change their mind, is Gemini's bottom line.

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