How to play the "golden week", Leo tourism travel guide

How to play the "golden week", Leo tourism travel guide to _ the zodiac

How to play the "golden week",LeoTourism travel guide

Travel: u u u do do

A journey of faith can let the lion has a new understanding in the journey.Actually find the result is not important, the important thing is to learn and understand the new life in the journey.In make travel plans, might as well listen to the advice of others more, lest their decision too hasty, make a lot of problems in the course of the journey.

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Travel essential: special drugs

Have fun travel (recommended) : Tibet

Tibet has unique plateau snow area scenery, and enchanting austral elegant demeanour, of diversity in unity of Tibetan buddhist culture, and the integration of the nature of the humanities landscape, etc., all become the unique charm of many travelers.(The zodiac /astro/)

Eat (for) : Tibetan people mainly is given priority to with red meat and dairy products, beverages, such as tea, sweet tea, barley wine, these are all Tibetan areas is famous for its food for a long time.

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