How to play the "golden week", cancer tourism travel guide

How to play the "golden week", tourism travel guide to _ the zodiac constellation cancer

How to play the "golden week",cancerTourism travel guide

Travel: u u u do do

This week's travel in general, much hopes to travel you will find it hard to get too much of a surprise.If with peace of mind to go sightseeing, then will be able to fully feel the comfort brought by the tourism.So, the cancer may choose to relax the journey of the mind, slow down and enjoy life on the road.

Travel charm orientation: northwest

Required: travel camera

Have fun travel (recommended) : tianshan tianchi

Tianshan tianchi scenic area centered on alpine lakes, xuefeng reflected, to spruce surrounded, clear water like a mirror, picturesque scenery, five district 40 landscape, everywhere, is a great mind to travel.(The zodiac /astro/)

Eat (for) : bake complete sheep, uygur language called "vomit nur cob tile just", there are big chicken pilaf, milk tea, a brief informal note, characteristic diet, sac braised meat, hand pilaf, lamb kebabs,The tigerEating vegetables, vegetables and so on characteristics.

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