Taurus boy and Scorpio girl happy chance

TaurusThe boys andScorpioThe girl happy chance

The Taurus boy and Scorpio girl happy chance is 85%

Taurus men status quo and stability.Whether love or spiritual, Taurus men want a Anne be safe and steady and reliable life.For such a Taurus men, Scorpio may be perfect.They don't like the ram male power, love to play.Stable and comfortable life is Taurus men most want to demand.Scorpio women want is such a healthy attitude.On the weekend or lazy afternoon on the couch listening to music, share the experience of a movie and recommend recently read books to each other.On such a quality life seemed to think in your heart.No need to fear emotions, don't think can't control the other.Because Taurus men will give you a comfortable pace, they will understand you, understand you, you are so temper and dissatisfaction or suspicious, opposition they shouldn't be with you right now, they use their own way to understand you and inclusive.(The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus boy and Scorpio girl happy chance _ the zodiac

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