Capricorn men and Scorpio girl happy chance

Capricorn men andScorpioThe girl happy chance

Capricorn men and Scorpio girl happy chance: 90%

As Scorpio and Capricorn is a soil, like a water.Soil and water blending is so.Capricorn men is a job which will see very seriously, they are often busy with work and career.But they have a strong sense of responsibility.They will have relative distance of a woman, because such a Capricorn, in the moment will not know if this person can take care of people.If they believe that man is the girls what they wanted to read, they will give you a long love.The Scorpio girls for loyalty to love is a rare objects.Scorpio girls need is fully stable emotion.Perhaps, Capricorn men sometimes too stubborn, but perhaps is so stubborn their feelings don't so so.They can satisfy the Scorpio fatal to the love that, because they will like you to give you loyalty pure feelings.(The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorn men and Scorpio girl happy chance _ the zodiac

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