Libra boy and Scorpio girl happy chance

libraThe boys andScorpioThe girl happy chance

Libra boy and Scorpio girl happy chance: 30%

Libra boy is an idealist.They are forA womanA kind of charm.They will be a good listener, spiritual confidant.Libra men will carefully listen to others' distress or story.They will also very pleasing other people's heart.Their social ability is quite high, make such a Scorpio will can't stand their sophisticated interaction force, they will have to communicate with others a lot of things, seems to like and enjoy talking with others.But the cold Scorpio is not able to fully understand the meaning of this.Scorpio will not understand this way of libra boy.Scorpio likes to be alone, they like to have their private space, they will be surrounded by the breath or cluster network.And this is precisely the libra boy also can not accept.They will come to accept such a boring life.However, such differences also slowly makes you feel uncomfortable.(The zodiac /astro/)

Libra boy and Scorpio girl happy chance _ the zodiac

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