Taurus girl why be left

TaurusWhy girls be left

You love he is willing to drink for you, love him like to bear all the burden for him.Simply don't have to each other.A person all fix all the problems.But both the expression of personal feelings, not only you a person, the one you love also need to express...You give me a chance.

Rice made, brush a bowl, wash clothes, mop, burning fuse and bulb also changed himself...No matter big and small issues you are a burden in the home, also take out what happened, when he said he help you, you always answer "no, or I come.You look like a giant, so strong capable, do not need to rely on anyone.But he love you, just like you want to do anything for him, he also want to be what you need, don't you give him the opportunity, so he had to look for to his people and places.(The zodiac /astro/ )

Taurus girl why be left _ the zodiac

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