Sagittarius girls why be left

SagittariusWhy girls be left

Striker's whereabouts is always floating, family and the love of most in need of "security" is the most lack of Sagittarius.So what's the matter with your lover stand your long absence?

He is sick, you're not here;He overwhelmed the burden of home, and you don't know...You always so erratic, difficult to master.Thought two people rely on together will be more warm, will have more power, but the more, the more he will feel powerless to chilling, when need you can't rely on you, the pressure will be doubly hit him.Whatever he again strong, also can have tired, will also need a solid shoulder to rely on, you can not give, so there is always someone willing to give!(The zodiac /astro/)

Sagittarius girls why be left _ the zodiac

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