Libra girl why be left

libraWhy girls be left

Libra is neets ah, surrounded by several men are like this.They are lazy, like to enjoy, always like to rely on others to help him deal with the problem.Marital problems in love is two people together to solve, all you have on a person, how others stand.

A man on the shoulder the load always has its bottom line, can't afford to, would want to shoulder the burden of all, and you are the person who has been pressing to partner the shoulder.For any economic, depend on each other relief;Setbacks in life, I hope each other to solve for you;Work is not stable, even lost his job, don't rush to find, always thought that the other party may raise you...Big and small issues all want to depend on him, lets him word, let him to deal with, even if he is rock solid, also can have fallen day!(The zodiac /astro/)

Libra girl why be left _ the zodiac

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