Taurus boys girls - the cause of the failure and the suggestion

  TaurusBoys girls - the cause of the failure and the suggestion

  The Taurus boy is too tight

Every girl in love always hope can receive flowers, gifts, this is a sign of the established in love, it's a pity that the Taurus men really stupid in this aspect, like girls love to eat what what, he never offered to buy, at most is to accompany you shopping, pay the girl you or did you come on, girl looked at the way you mean, the heart cool cool pull pull.

Suggestion: make money final purpose is to pursue a better life, rather than being a lifelong miser, is the motto of the money you want to use in the blade is right, but, so can treat love object, points minutes lovely girls are you away.(The zodiac /astro/)

Taurus boys girls - the cause of the failure and advice _ the zodiac

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