Sagittarius boys girls - the cause of the failure and the suggestion

  SagittariusBoys girls - the cause of the failure and the suggestion

  Sagittarius men: the elusive, love to play.

Know that you love to play love freedom, but along with the gender, again will have confessed to his girlfriend.Often don't call, message will be on the QQ is not, after you come back to tell his girlfriend these days I go with friends to go to lijiang in the sunshine, you see I also bought a shawl of the naxi nationality yo, you like it?Girlfriend angry go, you also feel suspicious, temper so big, don't know how to trust.

Suggestion: 1 account can save many troubles, if you love her, how can you let her worry about you afraid of, awake at night?(The zodiac /astro/)

Sagittarius boys girls - the cause of the failure and advice _ the zodiac

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