Scorpio boys girls - the cause of the failure and the suggestion

  ScorpioBoys girls - the cause of the failure and the suggestion

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Always a pair of the appearance of the wu is not hot, for people always with a somewhat cold suspicion, you don't know what he's thinking.Every day looking at his girlfriend's phone records, and any one of the opposite sex is reported to the contact with him all the best before, or he won't accept you just go to see a customer's account.His girlfriend on the QQ space, you have to explore, there are no secrets, no amour?So most of the stress, whichA womanBear up?

Proposal: the proper distance is good for both physical and mental health, to love she will believe her.(The zodiac /astro/)

Scorpio boys girls - the cause of the failure and advice _ the zodiac

Scorpio boys girls - the cause of the failure and Suggestions related content

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