12 constellation Taurus and relationships

  TaurusAnd 12 constellations of relationships

  Taurus vs.Aries

If only pay attention to the speed of the sheep with niuniu is a pair of slower, it definitely has a lot of education significance for the sheep.Intensive orders, in the face of the sheep tend to niu niu, is due to the next door neighbor, two people always can understand each other, as long as the sheep can also endure niuniu slower and the ideal of the sheep can be borrowed by niuniu's stability to reality.Niuniu is sheep good helper.

  Taurus vs Taurus

Both as niuniu, personalities and behavior patterns are extremely similar, also will only after get to know each other will be to determine the relationship.Because both niuniu conservative and firm, so get along with the longer, the more can find each other's advantages, can completely silent wins audio.But both sides of the stubborn, easy to let the feelings into the dead end, if both niuniu can learn to forgive, to catch each other's hands tightly.

  Taurus vs.Gemini

Niuniu uncertainty analysis for the fickle Gemini make short, often by the twin also will cause a lot of fun, niuniu but also bring niuniu is not steadfast sense, generally.Gemini niuniu silence will be stable way of life and feel boring.Two people together, niuniu thinking ability of Gemini also need time to adapt, but can usually has a strong capacity.

  Taurus vs.cancer

Both are eager to have a good circle of friends and family security, and the cattle of feeling has always been exclusive and stable relationship of crab son have the same view, two people have a lot in common, easily sparks, would be a perfect couple.But the cattle are always difficult to understand, crab son, crab son also stubborn no way for the cattle.Therefore, both sides need to be careful in emotional outbreak of the cold war.

  Taurus vs.Leo

Steadfast steady niuniu always can create to express the dependence of lions, niuniu is easy for the lion air specific appearance as her life to looking for a mate.However, the pursuit of stability of niuniu love will feel the lion like fireworks too bright to be lasting, the lion also feel niuniu is too practical and missed the wonderful life, have different values could be both the main contradiction of oh.

  Taurus vs.virgo

A virgin with niuniu is very put on a pair of very couples, also the pursuit of stable life, spiritual satisfaction, very easy to produce the feeling of mutual harmony, niuniu that being more talent and passion, only careful everywhere they can find.Emotionally, they are not active in the type of love, slowly brewing, maintenance is your mirror.

  Taurus vs.libra

Libra is always attract niuniu traits, niuniu become love playing in front of the libraThe little girl.Both have the taste of beauty is quite talented, common ideas and interests subject will be your development opportunity.Two people together can fully enjoy the pleasures of love, but be careful the people of the two different frequencies, in dealing with the will is the key to affect the relationship between the.

  Taurus vs.Scorpio

Belong to the cold on the scorpion with niuniu, acquisitiveness is equally enthusiastic, such as volcanic eruptions, but love is all, flared.Such as fire, such as frozen scorpion let a desire to conquer them.No courage niuniu had to worship and far, to ensure safety.Both have the habit of hide the heart with love, if have to wait and each other first, must have to anneal enough patience.

  Taurus vs.Sagittarius

Masculine personality love freedom striker in the face of a moderate conservative niuniu, two distinct personality.Niuniu is a very hard time to change your slow pace, then only let love straying striker stops for a moment.Cautious personality niuniu the face of the enthusiasm of the striker and estrogen, which is curious and surprise, a defeat.This pair of long if you want, understanding and compromise that is a must.

  Taurus vs Capricorn

Capricorn is an ideal and reliable partner in niuniu eyes.A stable, a cautious, this a pair of tacit understanding in faith, still can give each other in the sense of security, meet each other.Firm, and the advantages of reliable these flash is always surrounded by your color.For the feelings of loyalty, that you love is promising.

  Taurus vs.Aquarius:

Futuristic bottle and practical rational niuniu always each tree a signs, there is a completely different concept of life.Bottle will think the cattle too actual, niuniu felt the bottle is too extreme.Always pay attention to reasonable niuniu can actually let nature erratic bottle a sense of security.Niuniu will be attracted by the bottle of natural and unrestrained attitude, they might as well learn from each other under each other's qualities.

  Taurus vs.Pisces

Don't know how romantic niuniu details in life always can give fish CARES about the feeling of love.Niuniu can also feel the fish is always so gentle, so considerate.Niuniu can help the fish to find the real warmth, the fish also can bring the cattle die-hard security, and the longer the better find each other's advantages, get along is very comfortable, is definitely a very ideal couple.

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