Cancer and 12 constellations of relationships

  cancerAnd 12 constellations of relationships

  Cancer vs.Aries

Self-centered ram in family-centered cancer, opposite personality attitude, but the cancer natural maternal glory, let childish ram special dependence.Cancer also like ram naive, if don't mind ram is not careful, two people get along is not much problem.Just a sensitive cancer care is also need people to understand, so ram hard to reach their standard.

  Cancer vs.Taurus

Lack of security of cancer is very appreciate the stability of the Taurus self-confidence, as long as that is not to change, Taurus also like listening to the crab's gentle, careful and love can always take well care of Taurus.Both the pursuit of stability, attaches great importance to the family, have the same values, so it is very match each other.But both belong to sensitive type, thus more need each other frankly, dissolve the unnecessary misunderstanding.

  Cancer vs.Gemini

Changeable Gemini meet with emotional cancer, a rational, a perceptual, although two people have different personalities, but laughing Gemini always easy to move the heart of the cancer, blowing a ripple.Gentle cancer always inclusive dotes on, along with the gender of the Gemini, and makes the Gemini dependence on the sense of security.Two simple people simply together, each other sincerely, natural it's not a big problem.

  Cancer vs cancer

Cancer, because both have the same quality, you can do to take care of each other, depend on each other.Also is very introverted, show not easily hidden feelings in my heart, to family have a strong desire, to the marriage loyalty is very high, so a combination is very stable.You also are very sensitive and emotional, very easy for little things make antinomy, so you need to learn to not be emotions interfere with each other.

  Cancer vs.Leo

Bold and generous lions do whatever like cancer, but also a bit overwhelming emotional cancer.Cancer will be like a lion optimistic bright temperament, but also can feel burden for the lion's personality as well, although the basic difference is very big, but both are very traditional, also have heavy family, if can cut long repair short, coordinate each other, may be, can be a very good couple.

  Cancer vs.virgo

If it is not deliberate, virgo man is hard to enter a relationship, they don't like along with the gender for, and warm cancer just can give a virgo man this kind of feeling, warm and durable.Both can get to know each other, depend on each other easily, cancer may feel natural disposition is rational virgo is not romantic, but security is the most important thing.If you can make more communication, too.

  Cancer vs.libra

Amorous cancer always easily infatuation with elegant libra, before the cancer is also easy to be the rich love, sensitive emotions, get more creative.Romance is the source of two people together, and hesitation also is to let two people the root of the delay.Autistic cancer met like passive balance, just like two people hide and seek, the total in advance and retreat, because all don't love the initiative, intersection natural lack of something.

  Cancer vs.Scorpio

The love of the cancer and Scorpio is seldom enviable myth, belongs to the combination of very devoted, cancer, heart and soul of love will be so possessive Scorpio is trust.And the enthusiasm of the Scorpio always can meet the cancer inner sense of feeling full, fill the heart.Both of freemasonry and product ever deeper feelings.But love expression of cancer and Scorpio's hot and cold, will love the big obstacle on the road.

  Cancer vs.Sagittarius

Sensitive cancer looks like a rock, the heart such as soft water, blunt striker always woman.she, free uninhibited.When they met when the two very different personality people is to show just met soldiers, rational couldn't say for sure.The cancer may be lost on the relationship of various entanglements, striker also didn't aware of.So, the cancer can only be keep smile and mysterious appetizing striker appetite, curious striker did not want to be attracted all difficult.

  Cancer vs Capricorn

The two people don't play tricks, all responsibilities for the future, and with a strong sense of responsibility, is a rare stability strong combination.Capricorn always makes a strong cancer is very convincing, Capricorn will be touched by cancer understanding of affinity.Calm Capricorn always mood around the cancer, and therefore, if you can come up with some sweet words in the two people get along with is to regulate the better.

  Cancer vs.Aquarius:

Calm and a rational water bottle, strong dependence of cancer easily feel decisive and full of leadership, worship.Between two people with a completely different personality, but it can come friction spark of passion, although not be valued by the outside world, it is a very mysterious appealing pair, Aquarius always influences the cancer as a dominant, if can try to learn from cancer some perceptual will be more harmonious.

  Cancer vs.Pisces

The fish with cancer, two people always has been voted the most romantic combination, can make a love of literature and art piece.The light of a full of love, a urgently need to be loved, cancer pay makes fish feel special warm heart and soul, the fish also let cancer special sacrifice is moved, both sides are insecure, so will be harder to maintain the relationship.Only beautiful romantic to envy others.

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