Leo and 12 zodiac signs of relationships

  LeoAnd 12 constellations of relationships

  Leo vs.Aries

Pair is a pair of the combination of dynamic and very calls, have abundant energy, enthusiasm and passion, is a hook on the fire of lightning, views are very similar personality, emotions tend to develop rapidly.Lion, ambition can always attracted the eyes of the ram, and the sheep of courage and pioneering force also quite appreciate the lion.But they have no small temperament, should try to avoid noisy dispute occurs.

  Leo vs.Taurus

When niuniu meets the generous atmosphere of the lion, the two values are completely different people together, a stubborn as hell, a proud don't throw in the towel, contend for, it is easy to happen.But there are a lot of in common, such as all like beautiful things, like to enjoy life.Two people want to live in harmony, each side can best take a step back and down to the think is for each other.

  Leo vs.Gemini

Interesting and active Gemini is easy to attract the attention of the lion, the lion's swagger and bold, Gemini can adapt as usual, can't accept than their stupid Gemini is very enjoy this feeling of being led, two people together always make life full of fun.But a Gemini too wide circle of friends will make the pride of lions, piqued, lion sometimes overconfident attitude also bring Gemini with difficulty.

  Leo vs.cancer

Tender cancer with dazzling lion, belong to different personalities but also very suitable for a pair of lions surface is very conceited, but unusually sensitive, cancer can consideration to this and play to the glory of the maternal, let the lion suit and submissive isn't difficult at all, cancer can also find from strong lions need a sense of security, the two sides can rationally to sit down and get along with, will be very perfect couple.

  Leo vs Leo

You too high and luxuriant, with extraordinary creativity, cause enough attention in the crowd.It is very dazzling combination.Two people all aspects because of the similarity is easy to resonate, and burst into thick love.But both had to win the lion kingA blind dateLove each other, respect each other, take a step back seasky mentality, nature can live in harmony, but it is not easy.

  Leo vs.virgo

Frankness rational virgins may easily find proud proud Leo faults, and let the lions everywhere.This is a pair of very different combination.But the lion will always have a crush on virgin's rational and intellectual, virgo will also enjoy the lion's optimism and vitality, as well as has the perseverance and the sense of justice.If two people are together, the same views and outlook on life is indispensable.

  Leo vs.Scorpio

Strong personality if two people together, strong emotional outbreaks tend to open the floodgates, is passionate.Scorpio's feeling a bit mysterious and emotional, the lion will all emotional expression in the outside, warm and strong.Both have strong control, not easy to change its position, so pay attention, when a disagreement between two people to avoid the outbreak of a heated argument.

  Leo vs.libra

Both hobbies to enjoy, like people, share a common way of life.The lion king style easily attracted libra, and let the libra hesitate to handle.Also before the lion recklessness, libra can always put forward appropriate recommendations, superb diplomacy also attract the lion, the magnificent lion with elegant libra is a glamorous and beautiful combination.

  Leo vs.Sagittarius

Two people together happy for the lion, can a lifetime together.Cheerful confident and passionate lovers is the lion want to, and the striker will just have those advantages.Open-minded, generous generous lion is striker is interested in seeking freedom.Two people close personality, didn't burden together easily.If have a common goal, sorry to each other, it is very fit for each other.

  Leo vs Capricorn

The small Capricorn meet optimistic generous lion, can say it's a very unusual couple.Capricorn can teach the lion more down-to-earth, and on the road of success more suitable.While the lion the Capricorn from the boring work lead to easy entertainment, to learn to enjoy life.If both sides can appreciate each other, JieChangBuDuan and inclusive each other, will be very beneficial.

  Leo vs.Aquarius:

Liberal Aquarius is always can not let the lion, but it can arouse the lion king just conquer the desire, strong self-consciousness bottles in natural leaders met the lion is more appreciative, two completely different personalities but also have in common, is very outgoing and stubborn.The curious bottle if you can go to more insight into the lion's pride, the combination of the two people will be very complementary.

  Leo vs.Pisces

Pisces is always very easy to have a crush on warm and domineering, the lion, dazzle.Lion also like Pisces, the weak sample tender compassion can stir up the lion's protection, the combination of very romantic, he is a little hero the taste of beauty., lions on the two people get along better with Pisces confused some preparation and tender Pisces will lion for ego can tough appropriately, such ability can yet be regarded as the ideal couple.

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