Aquarius personality characteristics

  Aquarius:Personality traits

Was born in a year on January 20 to February 18 Aquarius people, with a spring in the cold season comes, is a calm and warm feelings of the people.Calm ruled to Uranus.It is the god of the sky stars and represent freely without any bondage of wisdom.So Aquarius people have freedom of thought, and to create beauty, is independent and the innovation of the most potential.

Aquarius man is a rational mind outstanding, know and judge things with a cool eye.Their independent personality, don't go with the flow, always with their own unique ideas;Freedom and full of humanity, the interest is extensive, creative;To explore the truth, proactive thinking;Have the wisdom of the rational and insist on independence;The risks of not afraid of change, often with keen reasoning and magnificent words to attract people and persuade people.Aquarius unique ideas, personality independence, there will be a lot of different ideas, probably because on your personal opinion, by the people around as a weirdo.

Aquarius is arms free idealists, there are many shining talent, like the poem in terms of literature and art, can play.Because things too lively simply, also leave the feeling of pushing self-righteous, only appreciate their people, to become a good friend of Aquarius.Because they do not care spend too much time on dealing with people, but generally there will always be friends understand their unique personality.

The biggest characteristic of Aquarius is hate, the pursuit of freedom, they advocate independent enough to sacrifice everything for, and because they advocate the spirit of freedom, so freedom and respect for others, is a kind of individualism.To this type of people, status, fame and wealth are bound their chains, even theTo get marriedIs also a kind of bondage.The bottle has a quick action;New ideas;Born rich ideas;Novel idea, had the characteristics of scientists, is adept at turning novel insights in art or science studies.Because they especially like innovation and ingenious methods, is a very personal innovators.

Being late is usually Aquarius one problem, revolt is their underlying personality traits.Because very care about to keep unique qualities, so that Aquarius people often because too wise, too independent, too edgy, or too concerned about in the whole world and forget to care about betting on their closest person, that will also make the people around feel invisible pressure.

Naturally don't like routine, Aquarius people need to be creative or to make them grow, they are of the same routine will soon get bored, and new things, to reform the total have a set of ideas.Of course, they have enough ability to do the mechanical work, but this has all be failed to live up to them and 倶 to creativity.As long as there is an opportunity, Aquarius people can come up with many new ideas, and give them the work I do as a new and unique.The group of the most potential innovators are, however, is not suitable to work independently, they fit in the group without pressure, show their great creativity and wisdom.

Aquarius like no burden of Platonic love, is to like a friend and as a lover of trust relationship of two people, but hopefully it's not bound to each other, each other to establish a stable relationship with no.Deep thought of nature makes the water bearer even in marriage, still need to maintain some degree of independence, don't try to interfere in their life, give them an independent space, to maintain good feelings.Because the bottle was trapped is unwise, they will make every effort to save themselves.If you the bottle to the tight, then he run the farthest, the highest level of practice like tathagata to monkey sun, let them feel brighter, but in fact they are still in your hands.

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