Pisces character

  PiscesPersonality traits

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, haveThe seaPisces people embrace of force, good-hearted friendly, especially with love, has a superb artistic talent, is also a man with a keen sense of intuition.Was born on February 19th to March 20 during the period of Pisces, pure, full of hope, like a spring sensitive and rich perceptual power, is the most sensitive environmental sensors.

Pisces is a strong sensitivity, disposition gentle romantic.They will cry for others, at the same time, in order to pay and feel pleased with all my heart.Mind pure and honest, so may often be duped.In addition, they have enough to inspire others to maternal instinct, love playing side.Because they are gentle personality, so does not directly show the feelings of the heart.And they may also be words you go straight to straight, without modification.If you want to last forever with them, the first thing to note is the way you talk, because of the nature is sensitive to their word will be unforgettable and ponder for a long time.

Pisces of all the constellations, and the most easily affected by the outside world, they naturally sensitive, thoughts and free from vulgarity but impractical, often tend to escape from reality.On the surface, Pisces people introverted and shy, but the heart is a complex and often contradictory, at the same time there are good and evil, spirit and matter of the struggle of opposites.Actually a lot of things they have keenly feel, just did not show it.Fishes, although there is a rich imagination, relatively easy too unrealistic to daydreaming, fantasy the prince charming (Snow White), while ignoring the destiny in real life.

Pisces attentive and considerate, performance of the most memorable time in their love the unfortunate.They listen to you, even if found your distress has leaks in it, and will not deliberately words to stimulate you.Pisces is rich sympathy, can in the form of a little tender loving care, prayer or meditation spiritual trauma care friends, but always lack the courage to face reality.Their innate understanding, honest and attractive, can let friends feel the full warmth.Affectionate and PiscesAquarius:Man's love, in the eyes of the general secular point of view, may be referring contemptuously as promiscuous, but in fact they care of friends and friendship, is the change in temperature of social valuable.

Extremely romantic fish can't stand the mechanized way of life, serious * discipline and invariable routine, just back with their romantic nature.Pisces people are often in the mountain looked TaShan, always think in another place there must be more fun things happen, always without target moving from one thing to another thing, from the target to another target, it is easy to tired, so the fish to study concentration.

Emotional, has a kind and considerate of the fish are generally very popular, but also because of too much fantasy, sentimental and become emotional, lack of reason.Always good Mr Or miss, you will can't help but think of Pisces, because they thought is so delicate, like a sensitive sensor, can find each other's misfortune and difficulties, ready to output clearance for others.

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