Gemini personality characteristics

  GeminiPersonality traits

Gemini is located in theThe zodiacThe third palace, the sun will be sent to you by this sign on May 21 solstice on June 21, is the most beautiful season in natural emerald.Anyone who was born in this beautiful green period of Gemini, quick mind, not only force and reasoning is better than others.Because of Gemini have two "head", and has a dual character, both bright, cheerful side and low side of the haze, is changeable and active Gemini personality always full of random strain of intellectual.

Gemini is ruled by mercury, mercury is a merchant signs of the zodiac, Gemini sensitivity was very outstanding, seem to be talented, good at rhetoric.Gemini intelligent, have strong ability to create.They naturally has the ability to control the text, mostly to write good articles, but if it is a heart in the writing of industry, best to draw up writing outline in advance, so as not to fall by the wayside.Gemini people need to constantly explore new interests, so they hate monotonous and tedious work.Journalism (newspaper, radio, or television) is the most suitable for their industry, can meet with the instinct of language aptitude Gemini is eager to communicate, like changing needs, and love to travel and they are good at bargaining, in each kind of business is also like a duck to water.

Gemini people love with and have the strength of the appeal, because they are good at in the atmosphere of the game, to be close to you, break down your armed, guide you to develop your ability to happiness within.One of the most can cater to the trend of The Times they are all signs of the zodiac, so mix more easily to other people, and definitely don't have to worry about what the generation gap problem.They are energetic, to work earnestly, told friends love, career ambitions.But you can't stand the constant, the relationship between the fixed things make them extremely fast aging, so the wind of the Gemini likes to make friends with intelligent, elves eccentrics.

If you think that Gemini is always so lively and enthusiasm that you would be wrong.Gemini is double-sided people with double character.Fun, active, curious, make Gemini the continuous beating like a flame, strong with the weak, but never extinguished.Their intelligence, eloquence, creative thinking, but it is very emotional person, sometimes happiness is bold and unrestrained, and sometimes a little sad the poet's temperament, and Gemini is close friends and family were all exhausted's mercurial personality, emotion, one minute can also in thinking about how to comfort you Gemini, the next minute jumped down they may be holding you to go shopping, don't strange, who called the twin, there are two "head"?

Gemini's mercurial personality pursuit, regardless of the Gemini man or double children are suitable for the active in the crowd, and everyone become one extremely easily, have fairly good popularity.Confucius said "general principles of the poor is variable, permanence follows," is the theory of Gemini.Them from time to time to calm to observe the world of mortals, from time to time as thoughts drift in the romantic dream, with complex dual personality, they "see people speaking people, heck said nonsense", has fairly strong language skills and communication skills.Their things for the exists between the universe, more than most people because of curiosity and comprehension.Therefore, to understand the Gemini, your curiosity and comprehension are not too bad, you are to keep up with their rapidly rotating head!

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