Analysis of Sagittarius baby

I asked a child is not a "child prodigy" : "what does your mother do?"He said: "give me sew clothes.""That is your father?"Their little baby turn: "father is reading the newspaper!"But then he corrected said: "give us money."The child's answer all right;Father to eat in the morningeggs, buy kids eat cod-liver oil extract.All the best things will be presented to children, otherwise, parents then the fear in my heart, like to do something big negative in general.Children's health and comfort, a key precondition for families with all facilities.This kind of culture, has since ancient times, YuJinWeiLie.Today, we will use the constellation to analyze these cute babies!

Analysis of Sagittarius baby _ the zodiac

Smiles, lively, very easy to impulse.SagittariusThe joy of the need for free and healthy children.He likes to ride a horse, ride a motorcycle, ski, or sit on the boat to explore, or to travel to distant countries.

He is the main advantage of loyalty and spirit of * * * *.If people can treat and understand him correctly, he will act very rational, and can completely trust him;But if people forced him to, it can no longer helpless he, he would escape to another false of the extreme.

Generally speaking, the life is more than learning to attract him.Sagittarians have special language genius child, and he always aspire to the distant place, foreign travel and will be an integral part of his own fate.He likes to follow one's inclinations of lifestyle or business, and not willing to lock yourself in the rules, he also likes to have the opportunity to s work.

He is the best way to freelance, military life, law, foreign institutions, sports, horse racing, business (especially the import and export), social welfare, judges and teachers.

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