Analysis of cancer baby

I asked a child is not a "child prodigy" : "what does your mother do?"He said: "give me sew clothes.""That is your father?"Their little baby turn: "father is reading the newspaper!"But then he corrected said: "give us money."The child's answer all right;Father to eat in the morningeggs, buy kids eat cod-liver oil extract.All the best things will be presented to children, otherwise, parents then the fear in my heart, like to do something big negative in general.Children's health and comfort, a key precondition for families with all facilities.This kind of culture, has since ancient times, YuJinWeiLie.Today, we will use the constellation to analyze these cute babies!

Analysis of cancer baby _ the zodiac

cancerThe outstanding characteristic is sensitive to a child's character.There will be times when you are sensitive to the point of it is hard to understand.You need the warmth of family, parents' divorce, discord or its tragedy, you hit and than anything affect you, in your mind deeply the brand mark, and even affect your life, and also can aggravate your innate sense of insecurity.Your mother for you and your fate is key, especially when the moon in your birth horoscope has strong influence.

Cancer mostly time is mild and lovely children.You are the main disadvantages of capricious.This kind of emotional ups and downs is the result of your sensitive character itself.Do you get angry easily.Hiding in my room won't see any.Cancer is a constellation will flow many tears, this means that this child has a kind heart, easily moved, if we can grasp the characteristic of you, can fully mobilize the enthusiasm of each respect you.

Strange things you interested in very strong.Magic blurred story, adventure travel or adventures will make you ecstasy.In learning aspect, all can inspire you think courses: literature, history, music, painting, geography, etc., you can learn very well, and on to rote learning subjects, your interest is very weak.

Your ideal career path is that come in contact with the public career, music, poetry, fantasy, creation, navy, movies, theology, and food business, hotels or medical work.

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