Analysis of Capricorn baby

I asked a child is not a "child prodigy" : "what does your mother do?"He said: "give me sew clothes.""That is your father?"Their little baby turn: "father is reading the newspaper!"But then he corrected said: "give us money."The child's answer all right;Father to eat in the morningeggs, buy kids eat cod-liver oil extract.All the best things will be presented to children, otherwise, parents then the fear in my heart, like to do something big negative in general.Children's health and comfort, a key precondition for families with all facilities.This kind of culture, has since ancient times, YuJinWeiLie.Today, we will use the constellation to analyze these cute babies!

Analysis of Capricorn baby _ the zodiac

Capricorn's children's thoughts so early, little went into the ranks of the adults, often on the people and things defensiveness.

At school he is likely to be a lonely child, it is easy to make him a profound sadness.Therefore, should be urged him to go outside with my classmates together, laughing, express the mood, can make him so not heavy rigid bodies and minds.

Capricorn children love learning, have their own method of accumulating knowledge and the concept of strict organizational discipline.Like to collect and classify.This is a study, work and life in an orderly way, excessive pursuit of the perfect child, no matter do anything he wants excelsior, these qualities will help him to important positions.Many scholars and politicians are born in the zodiac.

Capricorn children very serious, serious, not be light to be, this is the foundation of his pursuit of progress.

He is the ideal way of management, industry, archaeology, financial, political, wholesale trade as well as on land, geology and other professional.

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