Analysis of virgo baby

I asked a child is not a "child prodigy" : "what does your mother do?"He said: "give me sew clothes.""That is your father?"Their little baby turn: "father is reading the newspaper!"But then he corrected said: "give us money."The child's answer all right;Father to eat in the morningeggs, buy kids eat cod-liver oil extract.All the best things will be presented to children, otherwise, parents then the fear in my heart, like to do something big negative in general.Children's health and comfort, a key precondition for families with all facilities.This kind of culture, has since ancient times, YuJinWeiLie.Today, we will use the constellation to analyze these cute babies!

Analysis of virgo baby _ the zodiac

virgoChildren usually courage are small or timid.Body tend to be weak, prone to infectious diseases.Physical condition will directly affect the learning.This is not a tai group of children like to watch and think, very early has the spirit of criticism, and put it as a weapon to protect their own, but this is likely to become angry with the root cause of the people around.He sometimes regardless of the reality, and persisted in a purely logical thinking.

Virgo's children is a good student, seeking knowledge desire is very strong, like the accumulation of knowledge.He is good at digging the person's psychology and discusses the nature of things, but it is also likely to make him to only pay attention to detail, and ignore the global.Which would affect his future career development.He studied diligently, sometimes to the point of ecstasy.'d better let him go outside sports activities, both to plenty of fresh air, and can make him more together with classmates, fitting in as a to avoid his loneliness and inhibitory psychological.

He is the ideal way of education, medicine, science, accounting, secretarial, public officials, health care and business, and need to be patient and meticulous work.

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